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Le CableSniffer continue d’être le numéro 1 pour localiser rapidement les défauts dans les câbles LV souterrains

Instead of relying on exploratory excavations, it samples and analyses the gases emitted when cable insulation starts to break down, via a series of 8mm bore holes. Faults can normally be located in under an hour and to an accuracy better than 1 metre, eliminating the need for multiple exploratory excavations. Normally, the highest concentration of gas is directly above the fault. Business Benefits -Average 50% cost savings on fault location and re-instatement -Even greater savings where there are time-based penalties for disrupting highways -Under one-hour typical time to locate each fault – a fraction of the time taken with conventional methods.

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    The cost effective and flexible monitoring platform for low voltage distribution substations.

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      Download the VisNet Hub brochure

      The cost effective and flexible monitoring platform for low voltage distribution substations.


        Unlock the full potential of renewable resources: Explore how reducing curtailment can lower electricity costs for everyone, allowing more green energy to flow freely into the grid.

        Webinar: Whole System Thinking – Enhancing Customer Value by Reducing Distributed Generation Curtailment.

        Date & Time: Wednesday, 4 Dec, 8am AEST


        Unlock the full potential of renewable resources: Explore how reducing curtailment can lower electricity costs for everyone, allowing more green energy to flow freely into the grid.

        Webinar: Whole System Thinking – Enhancing Customer Value by Reducing Distributed Generation Curtailment.

        Date & Time: Wednesday, 4 Dec, 8am AEST

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