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Vet du hvorfor Alvin2® er den mest avanserte og kostnadseffektive løsningen for feilhåndtering?

The reason is because Alvin2® enables effective fault management and supply restoration on low voltage networks, in particular for intermittent faults. Intermittent faults are becoming increasingly common on ageing LV cable networks and often result in multiple fuse operations. Inevitably, this leads to poor supply reliability, increased costs due to time on site to replace fuses as well as potential customer complaints. Up to 80% of intermittent faults can be restored first time without the need to visit the substation.


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The cost effective and flexible monitoring platform for low voltage distribution substations.

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The cost effective and flexible monitoring platform for low voltage distribution substations.

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Download the VisNet Hub brochure

The cost effective and flexible monitoring platform for low voltage distribution substations.