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CableSniffer™ fortsetter å være nummer 1 i å finne feil i underjordiske LV-kabler raskt

Instead of relying on exploratory excavations, it samples and analyses the gases emitted when cable insulation starts to break down, via a series of 8mm bore holes. Faults can normally be located in under an hour and to an accuracy better than 1 metre, eliminating the need for multiple exploratory excavations. Normally, the highest concentration of gas is directly above the fault. Business Benefits -Average 50% cost savings on fault location and re-instatement -Even greater savings where there are time-based penalties for disrupting highways -Under one-hour typical time to locate each fault – a fraction of the time taken with conventional methods.


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    The cost effective and flexible monitoring platform for low voltage distribution substations.

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      The cost effective and flexible monitoring platform for low voltage distribution substations.


        Unlock the full potential of renewable resources: Explore how reducing curtailment can lower electricity costs for everyone, allowing more green energy to flow freely into the grid.

        Webinar: Whole System Thinking – Enhancing Customer Value by Reducing Distributed Generation Curtailment.

        Date & Time: Wednesday, 4 Dec, 8am AEST


        Unlock the full potential of renewable resources: Explore how reducing curtailment can lower electricity costs for everyone, allowing more green energy to flow freely into the grid.

        Webinar: Whole System Thinking – Enhancing Customer Value by Reducing Distributed Generation Curtailment.

        Date & Time: Wednesday, 4 Dec, 8am AEST